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Do I have a claim?

Answer a few short questions about your situation and one of our team will be in touch to discuss your needs further. If you would like to talk to someone sooner, please call us on 01245 494929.

Add your words to the CMS please.

How we use this information...

The only purpose of this form is to provide information to our trained medical advisors about your situation. You are in no way committing to anything by filling out the details above. Speaking to one of our dedicated nurses allows them to answer any questions you may have and advise you on your options. There’s no obligation to take any further action, and your conversation should leave you feeling well-informed about all the possible next steps.

If you do decide to proceed with us, rest assured there’s nothing for you to pay upfront and no hidden costs. We work on a no-win no-fee basis, which means you’re never at any financial risk.